The progressive, modular
building company that places
purpose & sustainability at the
heart of everything we deliver.

We pledge to be
carbon neutral across
our organisation by 2025.
We pledge to build
1500 new affordable
homes across the South
of England between
2020 and 2030.
We pledge to generate
in excess of 500 new
employment opportunities
by 2030.
We pledge to provide
over 1.5 million kWh of
micro generated,
renewable electricity to
the UK national grid by 2030.
We pledge to reduce
material waste from the
factory to below 3%
by 2025.
carbon neut ral. carbon neutral by 2 by 2025. ca
build 1,500 new hom es. build 1,5 00 new hom
generate employm ent oppor tunities. ge
provide rene renewable el electricity. wable electri
reduce mater ial waste. red uce material waste. reduce