Having previously lived in traditionally built council accommodation this is the first time Linda has lived in a home built using Modern Methods of Construction – She is already seeing the benefits to the modern construction and higher levels of performance.
“To be fair I’ve had to change the way I live as I’ve never had an electric system of individual heaters in each room before. You don’t leave all the heaters on like you would with a central heating system, which at first I thought wasn’t so good. But now I turn the heater on when I come into a room and it warms up very quickly, and turn it off when I leave – Or I leave the hallway heater on with the doors open and consequently my bills are very low, about half of what I was paying at my previous place”
Boutique Modern have been in direct contact with Linda and the rest of the tenants throughout the first 18 months of occupation for rectification of defects and to answer any questions the residents have.
“Boutique Modern have been there if I’ve had to ring up about any little things, which have been solved straight away and by lovely people who are clearly experts in the way the building works”